Intellectual solutions in production management


We have a full range of tools that allow us to quickly generate solutions using neural networks and integrate them into the technological process.
Who we are?
IRVUD is a team of experts, scientists and specialists who have combined their industry experience, creative energy and innovative technologies to solve complex oil asset management problems.
Innovations in the oil sector
-Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
-Software development
-Optimization of oil production processes
-Intelligent working environment
Technology integration into the production process
-Reducing the volume of unproductive water injection
-Maximizing oil production under given injection limits
-Optimizing oil production processes
Energy efficiency
-Reduction of water cut in well production
-Reduction of the operating cost of oil production
-Increase in net present value
Increasing the profitability of production
Flow Rate Watcher
Automated Сontrol System
Атлас АСУ
Технология Automated control system
Автоматизированная система управления для дистанционного регулирования режимов работы скважин и оперативного мониторинга показателей разработки.
Оптимизация добычи
Технология Flow Rate Watcher
Оптимизация параметров работы насосного оборудования.
Максимизация экономического эффекта.
Управление заводнением
Технология Waterflooding
Комплекс инструментов на базе алгоритмов нейросетевой оптимизации направленный на повышение эффективности системы заводнения.
Atlas ACS
Automated control system technology.
Automated control system for remote control of well operation modes and operational monitoring of development indicators.
Flow rate watcher
Flow Rate Watcher technology.
Optimization of pumping equipment operation parameters.
Maximizing the economic effect.
Waterflooding technology.
A set of tools based on neural network optimization algorithms aimed at improving the efficiency of the flooding system.
Our innovative solution
It’s a digital space containing the necessary tools for managing oil production and water injection systems. Combining artificial intelligence algorithms with automated systems allow us to increase oil production.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Our innovative solution
Smart decision support system for oil production management. Predictive maintenance of equipment based on mathematical modeling methods, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, designed to reduce the frequency of downhole equipment failures and damage, reducing the cost of diagnosis and maintenance.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
We are ready to make a detailed presentation of the technology for you
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The search for external partners is a promising direction for consolidating the company's competencies and developing technologies based on artificial intelligence algorithms.
We are open to partnership
Planned consolidation of competencies:
Remote control systems, executing commands to change the operating modes of production and injection wells.
Application of software: Waterfooding managment, FRW, ATLAS-ACS
Injection control equipment
Become our
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Andonov Kiril Aleksandrov
Executive Director
Send a message on telegram
Toropygin Anton Yurievich
Development Director
INN: 7203393511
OGRN: 1167232079310
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